In this moving Korean television miniseries about family and fate, Hyun-ju Kim and Ji-ho Kim play orphaned sisters Yoon-hee and Tae-hee, who are suddenly separated at a crowded market and raised apart from that day forward. With radically different paths in store for them, Yoon suffers amnesia and is adopted by a cruel family, while Tae is found by her prosperous grandfather and raised in wealth and opportunity.
File ………..: .mkv
Source ………: S01.480p.DVD.REMUX.DD2.0.MPEG2-KMX
Video ……….: AVC | 652×480 850 Kbps
Audio ……….: 2CH AAC Korean
Runtime ……..: ~2h 16mn per episode
Subtitles ……: English Softcoded
Chapter ……..: Numbered
480p | 40 Eps | Per Episode ~1 GB